South Africa: Home Affairs to automate births, marriages and deaths certification system

Published: 11/Jul/2018

Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba on Wednesday announced a significant system upgrade aimed at facilitating the automation of the births, marriages and deaths (BMD) certification system.

The BMD automation process forms part of the Department of Home Affairs’ (DHA’s) flagship R2.2-billion modernisation project, which got under way in 2010.

Gigaba explained during a media briefing that the upgrade of the system will comprise two phases.

The first phase will entail automating the birth registrations process for children up to a year old, as well as automating the marriage and death certificate reprint process for marriages and deaths that have already been registered in the national population register.

Once this phase is completed, the system will allow for the printing of a parent and/or guardian’s details in children’s passports.

“In this way, the department will have delivered on the earlier Cabinet concession of easing travel with children by eliminating the need for unabridged birth certificates,” said Gigaba.

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Themes: Birth Registration
Regions: South Africa
Year: 2018