South Africa: Refugees’ rights ‘restricted’ by newly proposed amendments

Published: 29/Jan/2022
Source: The Citizen (Johannesburg)

While the Citizenship Act makes provision for stateless children born in South Africa to obtain citizenship, the (DHA) failed to create regulations for such an application.

By Lunga Simelane

Human rights activists say the government’s recent review of the Refugees Act introduced amendments which deviate from international refugee law and restrict rather than protect the rights of refugees and asylum seekers.

South Africa’s approach to migration and statelessness should be informed by the pro-human rights and inclusive spirit of the constitution, said Thandeka Chauke of Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR).

“While the Citizenship Act makes provision for stateless children born in South Africa to obtain citizenship, the department of home affairs (DHA) failed to create regulations which set out the process for such an application and has not signed the two United Nations conventions on statelessness,” she said.

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Themes: Acquisition par les enfants, Naturalisation et le mariage, Nationalité des réfugiés
Regions: Afrique du Sud
Year: 2022