South Africa: Zim Exemption Permit holders want to be declared permanent residents

Published: 20/Oct/2021
Source: The Citizen (Johannesburg)

The Zimbabwean Exemption Permit Holders Association, representing roughly 250 000 Zimbabweans in SA, has asked the Gauteng High Court to declare them permanent residents, as their Zimbabwe Exemption Permits expire in November 2021.

They are also asking the court to direct the Minister of Home Affairs to issue them with SA ID documents on the grounds that they are permanent residents of SA in terms of the Immigration Act read together with the Identification Act.

They are also asking the court to review and set aside the decision by Home Affairs not to renew residency permits “knowing that the holders of the permit have known no other home besides South Africa for more than 10 years”.

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Themes: ID Documents and Passports, Nationality and Refugees
Regions: South Africa
Year: 2021