Tanzania: Attorney General and 2 others vs Dr. Aman Walid Kabourou

Published: 31/Jan/1995
Source: Tanzania Court of Appeal

Attorney General and 2 others vs Dr. Aman Walid Kabourou (42 of 1994) [1995] TZCA 30 (31 January 1995

Case relates to electoral malpractice in a by-election in the Kigoma Urban constituency. Includes extended discussion (from p.46) of the Tanzania Citizenship Act in relation to the citizenship of the third appellant (Azim Suleman Premji, the CCM candidate).

Download from TanzLII: https://tanzlii.org/tz/judgment/court-appeal-tanzania/1995/30

Themes: Double Nationalité, Nationalité des politiciens, Succession d'États, Perte et déchéance de la nationalité, Nouveaux Etats
Regions: Tanzanie
Year: 1995