Tanzania rolls out new electronic EAC passports
Published: 1/Feb/2020
Source: The East African (Nairobi)
Tanzania will from Saturday enforce the use of the new East African Community electronic passport (e-passport) as its official international travel document.
Phasing out of the old passports will end on March 1 to allow Tanzanians in foreign countries one month to use the old passports to travel back home.
Mr Mtanda said since the e-passports’ roll-out began in 2018, 283,877 people have applied for and received the document to date.
“Of these, 281,544 are of the ordinary type, 499 are service and 1,829 are diplomatic passports for ambassadors and five are for the highest-ranking government officials,” he said.
The electronic passport costs $64.45, and applicants are required to produce a national identity card and other documents as required.