Tanzanian official rules out granting citizenship to Burundian refugees

Published: 22/Jun/2023
Source: Xinhua

DAR ES SALAAM, June 21 (Xinhua) — Tanzanian authorities on Tuesday ruled out the possibility of granting citizenship to Burundian refugees staying in refugee camps in western Tanzania.

Sudi Mwakibasi, the director of the Refugee Services Department in the Ministry of Home Affairs, said the government was instead mobilizing the Burundian refugees to volunteer to return to their country.

Mwakibasi made the remarks in a statement to mark World Refugee Day at Nyarugusu refugee camp in the Kasulu district of Kigoma region.

Read further: https://english.news.cn/africa/20230622/713f53fe67e348a2b7c691f0f81e1e90/c.html

Themes: Nationality and Refugees
Regions: Tanzania
Year: 2023