National Courts

Ghana: Francis Osei-Bonsu v. Attorney-General

Published: 15/May/2024
Source: Supreme Court of Ghana

Supreme Court judgment ruling that persons with dual citizenship can be appointed as Chief Justice, Chief Directors and other positions. Download PDF : Osei-Bonsu-v-AG_GHASC2024

South Africa: P.P.M and Others v Minister of Home Affairs and Others

Published: 16/Jan/2024
Source: High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division

(14238/21) [2024] ZAGPPHC 2 (16 January 2024) Introduction [1] South Africa is one of the preferred destinations for various categories of migrants. The country faces many migration-related challenges, including the increased prevalence of irregular migration and identity theft.[1] Non-South African […]

Tanzania: Fundi & Others v. Attorney General (High Court)

Published: 20/Jul/2023
Source: High Court of Tanzania (Dar es Salaam)

High Court judgment ruling inadmissible a challenge to the unconstitutionality of sections 4 and 7 of the Tanzania Citizenship Act and sections 23 and 27 of the Immigration Act relating to the prohibition of dual citizenship. Download judgment: Fundi & […]

Ghana: Nimfah v. Quayson & 2 Ors

Published: 17/May/2023
Source: Supreme Court of Ghana

[2023] GHASC 31 (17 May 2023) The controversy in this suit centers on the interpretation and enforcement of article 94 (2) (a). The plaintiff invoked the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under Article 2 (1) (b) of the Constitution, […]

South Africa: Tebogo Khoza v. Minister of Home Affairs & Another

Published: 27/Feb/2023
Source: High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division)

Judgment declaring the applicant, a child born in South Africa in 1997 of a mother who was an irregular migrant at the time of his birth (but died while he was a child), and an unknown father, to be a […]

France: Décision du Conseil d’Etat, Affaire 457625

Published: 27/Dec/2022
Source: Conseil d'État francais

Conseil d’État N° 457625 ECLI:FR:CECHR:2022:457625.20221227 Lecture du mardi 27 décembre 2022 REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE AU NOM DU PEUPLE FRANCAIS Vu la procédure suivante : M. D… A… a demandé au tribunal administratif de Nantes d’annuler la décision du 18 décembre 2017 […]

Botswana: Sithabile P. Mathe & others v. Attorney General

Published: 29/Apr/2022
Source: High Court of Botswana (Gaborone)

Finding that the prohibition of dual citizenship in section 15(1) and 15(4) of the Citizenship Act is unconstitutional. Download: Sithabile P Mathe & Ors v. AG Botswana High Court

Zimbabwe: Shaw and Another v Registrar General of Citizenship and 3 Others

Published: 22/Mar/2022
Source: High Court of Zimbabwe (Harare)

Shaw and Another v Registrar General of Citizenship and 3 Others (Case No. 250 of 2022) [2022] ZWHHC 250 (25 March 2022); [2022] ZWHHC 250 KWENDA J: This is a court application for orders confirming that the applicants are citizens […]

Uganda: Abdu Abucar Hussein and 7 others v. Attorney General

Published: 18/Mar/2022
Source: Uganda High Court

CIVIL SUIT NO. 437 OF 2019 JUDGMENT The plaintiffs instituted this suit against the defendant seeking for orders that; A declaration that the plaintiffs and other eligible members of the Uganda Somali’s Community are citizens by birth. A declaration that […]

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