Uganda: Yasin Omar vs. Attorney General
Published: 29/Sep/2017
Source: Equal Opportunities Commission of Uganda
EOC Reference No. EOC/CR/010/2016
« The Compliant was lodged on the 15th day of February 2016 as a representative Complaint on behalf of half castes or colored people of Uganda. The allegation was that on various occasions half castes have been subjected to discrimination by officials of Ministry of Internal Affairs especially during the process of registration for, application and renewal of Passports and National Identity Cards, leading to denial of citizenship, passports and national identity cards, hence violating their right to Citizenship as guaranteed b the Constitution. They are also denied access to political appointments. »
« In view of the overwhelming evidence adduced by the witnesses in support of the complaint, the Tribunal hereby makes the finding that there is alarming discrimination against multi-racial individuals and accordingly orders as follows:-
- The Respondent is hereby ordered to cause officials of Ministry of Internal Affairs to treat all Ugandans equally notwithstanding their skin color, especially in the processing of Passports and National Identity Cards.
- The Respondent is hereby further ordered to cause Officials of Ministry of Internal Affairs to grant citizenship by registration to Mr Feher Ahmed Hamed in accordance with Article 12(1) and (2) of the 1995 Constitution and Section 14 of the Uganda Citizenship and Immigration Control Act, Cap 66 as amended, since he has satisfied all the legal requirements.
- Ministry of Internal Affairs should desist from violating the rights of multi-racial communities in Uganda in contravention of Articles 12, 20, 21(1), (2) and (3), 32 and 36 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda as Amended and the letter and spirit of the Equal Opportunities Commission.
- The Respondent is hereby ordered further to cause relevant Officials of Ministry of Internal Affairs to diligently perform the functions of the Directorate of Immigration and Citizenship as contained in Section 7 of the Uganda Citizenship and Immigration Control Act, Cap 66 as amended, and other enabling laws; without discrimination and/or unequal treatment, well aware that they are public servants whose conduct must always be above suspicion.
- No order as to costs. »
Download: EOC Ruling Multiracial Community Uganda
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