UNHCR Campaign to End Statelessness Update December 2017

Published: 21/Dec/2017
Source: UNHCR

Updates from the UNHCR #IBelong campaign, including (extracts):

  • On 16 October, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the twelve Member States of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region Member States (ICGLR) gathered in Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, and signed the Declaration of International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) Member States on the Eradication of Statelessness. With this Declaration, ICGLR Member States committed to reforming their laws and policies related to nationality in line with the ICGLR Plan of Action to end statelessness and the objectives of the #IBelong Campaign.
  • As reported in the last Update, the first Conference for Arab States on Good Practices & Regional Opportunities to Strengthen Women’s Nationality Rights was held in Cairo on 1-2 October. The Outcome Statement adopted during the Conference is now available.

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Themes: International standards, Statelessness
Regions: Central Africa, International, North Africa
Year: 2017