Uganda: UNHCR Monthly Protection Update – Urban Protection Response (September 2019)

Published: 16/Dec/2019
Source: UNHCR

UNHCR in conjunction with the Ministry of Internal Affairs organized and facilitated a round table discussion on statelessness from 11th -13th September in Entebbe. The meeting sought to validate the Uganda national action plan (NAP) on statelessness, develop a road map for the ratification of the 1961 convention on statelessness, promote the use and domestication of the UNHCR Global Action Plan to end statelessness, capacity building and raising awareness, advocate for the review and alignment of the citizenship law of Uganda with international and regional standards.  As a result, the NAP on statelessness was drafted and a road map for the ratification of the 1961 convention was agreed upon. During the meeting, the Government of Uganda reiterated its commitment to accede to the 1961 convention on the reduction of statelessness.

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Themes: Statelessness
Regions: Uganda
Year: 2019