Zimbabwe: Aliens are not citizens: Mudede

Published: 3/Nov/2017
Source: NewsDay (Harare)

REGISTRAR-General (RG) Tobaiwa Mudede yesterday said people referred to as aliens were clearly not citizens, adding that being issued with a birth certificate did not guarantee one citizenship.


Mudede had appeared before the Parliamentary Thematic Committee on Peace and Security to speak on the blitz by his department to issue out birth certificates and national identity cards in preparation for the biometric voter registration exercise.

“Aliens are aliens and they are not citizens, and in most countries of the world, including Sadc, they only have rights to vote when they are registered to be citizens,” he said.

“Citizenship of a country gives you various rights, including a right to be a President, and presently, there is a case in Australia, where the Deputy Prime Minister is having a problem of being labelled a non-citizen.”

Mudede said a child born of foreign parents takes citizenship of those parents.

Read further: https://www.newsday.co.zw/2017/11/aliens-not-citizens-mudede/

Themes: Acquisition de la nationalité, Cartes d’identité et passeports, Enregistrement des naissances, Inscription aux listes électorales
Regions: Zimbabwe
Year: 2017