Zimbabwe: Chiefs to issue birth, death records

Published: 26/Oct/2023
Source: The Herald (Harare)

By Farirai Machivenyika–Senior Reporter

Traditional leaders will confirm births and deaths as part of Government’s effort to decentralise the issuing of identity documents, Registrar-General Mr Henry Machiri told the Portfolio Committee on Defence, Home Affairs and Security Services on Monday during the 2024 national Budget consultations.

The Registrar-General’s Department falls under the Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage. Mothers who give birth at home and relatives of those who die at home, especially in rural areas, face challenges in accessing birth and death records.

At present, people who give birth at home are required to bring at least two witnesses to the Registrar-General’s offices to obtain birth certificates, which Mr Machiri said was discouraging some people to register births.

“So, we are going to be training 6 400 traditional leaders starting in the next two weeks and we hope by the end of the first quarter next year we would have completed training the traditional leaders throughout the country,” Mr Machiri said

Read further: https://www.herald.co.zw/chiefs-to-issue-birth-death-records/

Themes: Birth Registration
Regions: Zimbabwe
Year: 2023