Zimbabwe: National documentation inquiry on cards

Published: 18/Jun/2019
Source: The Herald (Harare)

Walter Nyamukondiwa, Kariba Bureau

THE Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) is set to roll out a five-month national inquiry on identity documents to establish gaps and the extent of their unavailability among Zimbabweans.

The inquiry is part of fostering and enforcement of human rights enshrined in the Constitution, which states that everyone has a right to an identity.

Speaking on the sidelines of the human rights training for Government officials and community leaders in Kariba recently, ZHRC chief human rights officer Mrs Karukai Ratsauka said the commission was responding to widespread and recurrent challenges of documentation among Zimbabweans.

The inquiry is expected to begin in the first week of July in Masvingo and spread to other provinces until the end of November.

Read further: https://www.herald.co.zw/national-documentation-inquiry-on-cards/

Themes: Identity Documents, Birth Registration, ID Documents and Passports
Regions: Zimbabwe
Year: 2019