Zimbabwe: Pupils in Zimsec nightmare
Published: 6/Dec/2020
Source: Sunday Mail (Harare)
Emmanuel Kafe
ZIMBABWE School Examination Council (zimsec) examinations started in earnest last week but some candidates failed to sit due to failure to obtain national identity cards.
John Mhandu (not his real name) missed two of his Ordinary Level papers in Mathematics and Commerce.
“I had registered to write five subjects that I failed last year when I was still a formal pupil. Back then, there was no need for me to have an ID card.
“But I’m now a private learner at a local college and the law requires me to have one. I hoped to have obtained an ID card by now but my plans were derailed by the lockdown. I still hope though that I will be able to write the other three subjects,” said Mhandu.
A zimsec directive makes it compulsory for candidates, particularly private pupils, to produce any form of national identity documents – passport or driver’s licence, in order to sit for an examination.
Read further: https://www.sundaymail.co.zw/pupils-in-zimsec-nightmare