Zimbabwe: The state of stateless people in Zim
Published: 16/Aug/2024
Source: Newsday (Harare)
By Tendai Makaripe
VITALIS Palinje’s demeanour reflects a deep, unspoken psychological pain.
Often burying his head in his hands and sighing heavily, he appears overwhelmed, staring blankly as if questioning his fate.
Born to Malawian parents who fled to Zimbabwe in search of better opportunities, Palinje inherited their statelessness.
Without identity documents from Malawi or Zimbabwe, Palinje and his siblings have been denied birth certificates and national IDs, rendering them invisible in a country where citizenship is defined by such papers.
This lack of documentation leaves Palinje facing countless barriers, denying him basic rights and opportunities.
Read further: https://www.newsday.co.zw/theindependent/opinion/article/200031010/the-state-of-stateless-people-in-zim