ACHPR Comm 249/02 : IHRDA (on behalf of Sierra Leonean refugees in Guinea) / Guinea

Published: 1/Jan/2004
Source: African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights

ACHPR Comm 249/02 : Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (on behalf of Sierra Leonean refugees in Guinea) / Guinea

It is alleged by the Complainant that on 9th September 2000, Guinean President Lansana Conté proclaimed over the national radio that Sierra Leonean refugees in Guinea should be arrested, searched and confined to refugee camps. His speech incited soldiers and civilians alike to engage in mass discrimination against Sierra Leonean refugees in violation of Article 2 of the African Charter.

Download decision: achpr36_249_02_eng

Themes: African and international standards, African standards, Deportation and Mass Expulsions, Mass Expulsions
Regions: Pan Africa, Guinea, Sierra Leone
Year: 2004