CEDAW Concluding Observations: Togo, 2012
Published: 8/Nov/2012
Source: UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Concluding observations on the sixth and seventh periodic reports of Togo, adopted by the Committee at its fifty-third session (1–19 October 2012)
28.While welcoming that the new Code of Persons and Family grants women equal rights with men to retain the Togolese nationality in case of divorce (art. 149), the Committee remains concerned about the delay in withdrawing from the 1978 Code of Nationality the discriminatory provisions preventing women from retaining Togolese nationality in case of divorce (art. 23.3) and Togolese women from passing their nationality to their child (art. 3) or to their foreign husband (art. 5).
29. The Committee recommends that the State party:
( a ) Amend its Code of Nationality to grant women equal rights with men regarding the retention of the Togolese nationality in case of divorce (art. 23.3) and the transmission of the Togolese nationality to their children (art. 1) or to their spouses of foreign nationality (art. 5) ; and
( b) Consider acceding to the 1954 C onvention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.
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