CRC Concluding Observations: Equatorial Guinea, 2004
Published: 3/Nov/2004
Source: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Thirty-seventh session Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties Under Article 44 of the Convention
Concluding observations: Equatorial Guinea
Birth registration
30. The Committee notes the efforts undertaken by the State party regarding the registration of births, but remains concerned about the very low percentage of births that are registered and about the lack of a functional registration system, as well as at the low level of public awareness of the obligation to register children at birth.
31. In light of article 7 of the Convention, the Committee urges the State party to continue and strengthen, as a matter of priority, its efforts to ensure a coordinated system for the registration of all children at birth, covering the whole of the country, including through awareness-raising campaigns, as well as to continue its cooperation in this regard with, inter alia, UNICEF.
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