Law No. 28 of 22 December 1962 on Somali Citizenship

Published: 22/Déc/1962

Original post-independence law, still in force; incompatible with some aspects of 2012 constitution (especially on dual nationality).

Extracts on citizenship at birth:

Article 2. Acquisition of Citizenship by Operation of Law

Any person: a) whose father is a Somali citizen; b) who is a Somali residing in the territory of the Somali Republic or abroad and declares to be willing to renounce any status as citizen or subject of a foreign country shall be a Somali Citizen by operation of law.

Article 3. Definition of « Somali »

For the purpose of this law, any person who by origin, language or tradition belongs to the Somali Nation shall be considered a « Somali ».

Article 15. Minors in Special Circumstances

1. Any minor who is a child of unknown parents and was born in the territory of the Somali Republic, shall be considered a Somali citizen, provided that he has not acquired a foreign citizenship or the status as subject of a foreign country.

2. Any child of unknown parents found in the territory of the Somali Republic shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to have been born in the territory of the Somali Republic.

Download here (Complete text as made available by Somalilandlaw, correcting some errors and omissions in previous versions in circulation; italicised text reflects corrections made).


Themes: Acquisition de la nationalité, Perte et déchéance de la nationalité
Regions: Afrique de l'Est, Somalie
Year: 1962