Ley Num.3/2011 de fecha 14 de Julio Reguladora de la Nacionalidad Ecuatoguineana

Published: 14/Juil/2011

Repeals and replaces the law of 1990.

Article 3 provides that children acquire nationality at birth if either or both parents are Equatoguinean.

Article 5 provides the right to opt for nationality to the spouses of Equatoguinean citizens and those who are born in Equatorial Guinea of foreign parents. In case of spouses, the right may be exercised after 10 years of marriage; children born in Equatorial Guinea may exercise the right at 18 years of age, provided they have been resident 10 years.

Download text in Spanish here.

English translation : https://www.refworld.org/docid/59c10ddc4.html

Themes: Acquisition de la nationalité, Perte et déchéance de la nationalité
Regions: Guinée Équatoriale
Year: 2011