Namibia: Home Affairs to Appeal Surrogacy Citizenship Judgement

Published: 8/Nov/2021
Source: New Era (Windhoek)

The home affairs ministry will appeal a recent High Court ruling which declared the son of a same-sex couple born via surrogacy a Namibian citizen by descent in the Supreme Court.

“After studying the said reasons, we have decided to appeal the ruling of the High Court and an appeal was noted in the Supreme Court today, setting out the reasons for our belief that the High Court erred in law and fact,” executive director Etienne Maritz said in a statement on Friday.

On 13 October, Judge Thomas Masuku declared the firstborn son of Namibian citizen Phillip Lühl and partner Guillermo Delgado, who hails from Mexico, a Namibian by descent. He ordered that the ministry issues the minor with a Namibian citizenship certificate by descent within 30 days from the ruling.

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Themes: Acquisition by children, Discrimination, Gender, Birth Registration
Regions: Namibia
Year: 2021