Africa’s indigenous peoples face neglect, discrimination, intimidation

Published: 18/May/2006
Source: UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

UN Economic and Social Council, Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Fifth Session

For the first time in its five-year history, the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues today turned its attention to the plight of Africa’s indigenous peoples, with speakers from the continent warning that, while world Governments looked on impassively, many of Africa’s nomadic, agricultural, and hunting and gathering cultures were on the verge of extinction.

Following two days during which indigenous and tribal peoples — from the Americas to Asia and the Pacific and from the Caribbean Islands to Arctic Russia — recounted their struggles to hold onto their cultures, traditional lands and natural resources, representatives of, and experts on, Africa’s indigenous groups today said that they felt “invisible” to the United Nations and spoke passionately about the Government neglect, discrimination, intimidation, slavery, and other violations of human, political and civil rights they faced.

Download file: Africas Indigenous Peoples Face Neglect

Themes: Discrimination, Ethnic/Racial/Religious
Regions: Central Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Year: 2006