Statelessness in the Bakassi Peninsula: A Humanitarian Crisis in the Making
Published: 1/Dec/2023
Source: Journal of African Conflicts and Peace Studies
Hussain, Taofik Oyewo (2023) “Statelessness in the Bakassi Peninsula: A Humanitarian Crisis in the Making,” Journal of African Conflicts and Peace Studies: Vol. 5: Iss. 2.
The Bakassi Peninsula is a resource-rich region straddling the border between Cameroon and Nigeria. Due to the border disputes and a lack of clear governance, the inhabitants of this region face a unique set of challenges, including statelessness. This paper aims to explore the implications of statelessness in the Bakassi Peninsula and identify potential solutions to address this growing humanitarian crisis. The research considers historical context, international laws, and case studies to provide a comprehensive understanding of the issue and suggest actionable steps for stakeholders.
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