Citizenship of Zimbabwe Amendment Act No.12 of 2001
Published: 6/Jul/2001
2 Amendment of section 2 of Cap. 4:01
Section 2 of the Citizenship of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 4:01] (hereinafter called the “principal Act”) is amended by the insertion after subsection (2) of the following subsection:
“(3) For the purposes of this Act, any reference to citizenship of a foreign country shall include a reference to citizenship of one or more foreign countries.”
3 Amendment of section 9 of Cap. 4:01
Section 9 of the principal Act is amended:
(a) in subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6), by the deletion of “on or before the expiry of this period, he has renounced his foreign citizenship in the form and manner prescribed” and the substitution of “before the expiry of that period, he has effectively renounced his foreign citizenship in accordance with the law of that foreign country and has made a declaration confirming such renunciation in the form and manner prescribed”;
(b) in subsection (6) by the deletion of “one year” and the substitution of “six months”; and
(c) by the repeal of subsection (7) and the substitution of the following:
“(7) A citizen of Zimbabwe of full age who:
(a) at the date of commencement of the Citizenship of Zimbabwe Amendment Act, 2001, is also a citizen of a foreign country; or
(b) at any time before that date, had renounced or purported to renounce his citizenship of a foreign country and has, despite such renunciation, retained his citizenship of that country;
shall cease to be a citizen of Zimbabwe six months after that date unless, before the expiry of that period, he has effectively renounced his foreign citizenship in accordance with the law of that foreign country and has made a declaration confirming such renunciation in the form and manner prescribed.”
4 Amendment of section 13 of Cap. 4:01
Section 13 of the principal Act is amended by the deletion of the words “seven years” wherever they appear and the substitution of “five years”.
Download: Citizenship of Zimbabwe Amendment Act 12 2001