CRC Concluding Observations: Senegal, 2006

Published: 20/Oct/2006
Source: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child


Forty-third session Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties Under Article 44 of the Convention

Concluding observations: Senegal

Birth registration

30. The Committee welcomes the efforts made to promote birth registration, such as the Birth registration campaign and the involvement of municipal authorities, religious and community leaders in the birth registration process.  However, the Committee is concerned at the persistent disparities between urban and rural areas in this respect

31.The Committee recommends that the State party continues its efforts of systematic birth registration for all children born within the national territory, especially in rural and remote areas.  The Committee further urges the State party to proceed with the registration of those children who have not thus far been registered.

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Themes: International standards, Identity Documents, Birth Registration
Regions: West Africa, Senegal
Year: 2006