Kenya: Deepak Chamanlal Kamani v. Principal Immigration Officer & 2 others
Published: 22/Jun/2007
Source: Kenya High Court at Nairobi
Kenya High Court at Nairobi, Petition No.199 of 207 [2007] eKLR
* Passport part of the right of Liberty and the right of movement under SS72(1) and 81(1) of the Constitution and its validity does not spring from any Executive prerogative
* Cannot be taken away in violation of the constitution and without due process
* Pre-Conditions for Limiting restriction the fundamental rights of liberty and movement set out
* Limiting Law defined
* Departure from Mwau and the 21st Century jurisprudence
* S 31 of the Anti-Constitution and Economic Crimes Act declared unconstitutional
* Declaration that cancelled Passport be restored or reissued to the Petitioners forthwith.
Download file: Kamani v Principal Immigration Officer 2007