Namibia to clarify issue of Namibian citizenship
Published: 25/Juil/2016
Source: Southern African News
By Lahja Nashuuta
Windhoek – Children born by non-Namibian parents, who are on temporary residence permits, will no longer be allowed to register as Namibian citizens unless both parents are permanent residents in the country, according to Home Affairs Minister Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana.
Iivula-Ithana tabled Namibia Citizenship Amendment Bill in Parliament last week that seeks to amend the Namibian Citizenship Act of 1990 to make clear the meaning of the term ordinary resident in relation to the acquisition of Namibian citizenship by birth of a person born in Namibia by parents who are not Namibian citizens.
In her motivation speech, Minister Iivula-Ithana said the amendment has been necessitated by a new development in interpretation of the constitutional provision pertaining to citizenship by birth, particularly the interpretation of the term ‘ordinarily resident’ that appears in Article 4 of the Namibian Constitution.
Read further on Southern African News website.