Organic Law N° 002/2021.OL of 16/07/2021 governing Rwandan Nationality
Published: 16/Jul/2021
Repeals and replaces Organic Law nº 30/2008 of 25/07/2008
Section One: Applying for Rwandan nationality
Subsection One: Applying for Rwandan nationality by origin
Article 5: Person eligible to apply for Rwandan nationality by origin
A person eligible to apply for Rwandan nationality by origin is a person of Rwandan origin as provided for by this Organic Law.
Article 6: Conditions for applying for Rwandan nationality by origin
A person who applies for Rwandan nationality by origin must fulfil the following:
1º to be born to at least one Rwandan parent who is a Rwandan not through acquisition but by virtue of Rwandan ancestry;
2º to provide at least one of the following:
a. testimony by the applicant or by at least one person and corroborated by evidence;
b. a relative who has Rwandan nationality by origin;
c. any other proof demonstrating his or her Rwandan origin.
Article 7: Modalities for applying for Rwandan nationality by origin
Application for Rwandan nationality by origin is made to the organ in charge of Rwandan nationality.
An Order of the Minister provides for application modalities and conditions.
Subsection 2: Application for and granting Rwandan nationality by acquisition
Article 8: Grounds for applying for or granting Rwandan nationality by acquisition
Grounds for applying for or granting Rwandan nationality by acquisition are the following:
1° birth on the territory of Rwanda;
2° foundling;
3° marriage;
4° adoption;
5° national interest;
6° special skills or talent;
7° substantial sustainable investments or activities;
8° residence in Rwanda;
9° honour;
10° being an immigrant;
11° statelessness.
Article 20: Nationality arising from acquisition of nationality by parents
A child meeting the following requirements becomes automatically Rwandan like his or her parents:
1º having born to a parent having been granted Rwandan nationality by acquisition, or having been adopted by a parent having been granted Rwandan nationality by acquisition;
2º be under age of majority.
Download full text: Rwanda Organic Law Nationality 002-2021
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