Tanzania: AG asks High Court to reject 2022 dual citizenship petition

Published: 21/Feb/2023
Source: The Guardian / IPP Media (Dar es Salaam)

THE Attorney General (AG) has submitted three objections to ask the High Court to throw out proceedings on dual citizenship, citing irregularities in the oaths of the applicants and violation of section 4 of the Basic Rights and Duties Enforcement Act. 1995.

Hearing of the proceeding was expected to commence yesterday at the High Court in Dar es Salaam before a panel of three judges, Obadia Bwegoge, Hamidu Mwanga and Mustafa Ismail, chairing the panel, who was not present.

The state side has filed objections that the oaths have problems as signatures were not included, while applicants are alleged to have violated the provisions of section 4 of the Act in seeking to create constitutional rights.

Constitutional petition number 18, 2022 was filed at the High Court by six members of the country’s Diaspora, listed as Shabani Fundi, Patrick Nyelesa Nhigula, Restuta Kalemera, Nkole Muya, Emmanuel Emmanuel and Bashir Kassam against the AG.

The petition is challenging the ambiguity of the 1995 Citizenship Act section 7 (1), (2) (c), (4)(a) (6) which they claim are violating their constitutional rights, asking the court to declare that the articles are invalid and violate their Constitutional rights because they discriminate against their inalienable natural right which is citizenship by birth.

Read further: https://www.ippmedia.com/en/news/ag-asks-high-court-reject-2022-dual-citizenship-petition

Themes: Dual Nationality
Regions: Tanzania
Year: 2023