What a constitutional clause reveals about Liberians’ ideas of citizenship

Published: 4/Feb/2019
Source: The Conversation

By Robtel Neejai Pailey

In 1973 Liberia introduced its Aliens and Nationality Law. This, and the country’s 1986 Constitution, allow only people of “Negro descent” – those who are black – to obtain Liberian citizenship by birth, ancestry or naturalisation. The 1973 law also banned dual citizenship.

Many Liberians at home and abroad have questioned the citizenship regulations. But historical and contemporary developments explain why the laws are seen by some as “protectionary”. They are viewed as guarding Liberians against any kind of foreign domination.

What has become locally known as the “Negro clause” was driven by free blacks and manumitted slaves who fled 19th century racism and economic servitude in the US and the Caribbean. They established Liberia as a haven where they would be the sole owners of capital, land and the means of production.

Read further: https://theconversation.com/what-a-constitutional-clause-reveals-about-liberians-ideas-of-citizenship-110798

Themes: Acquisition by children, Discrimination, Ethnic/Racial/Religious, Naturalisation and Marriage
Regions: Liberia
Year: 2019